Mā ngā tere haumaru e taea ai e ngā ākonga maha ake te haere haumaru mā ngā tikanga e pai ana mō tō rātou hauora me te taiao.
Hei tāpiri ake, he iti ake te tūraru ki ngā tamariki me ngā whānau o te mate, te wharanga hārukiruki rānei i a rātou e haere ana ki te kura, mai i te kura rānei.
Ka kawea tēnei ki tō akomanga mā roto i ngā mahere ako mō te Tere haumaru tata ki ngā kura.
Ka taea e ngā ākonga:
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Ngā rauemi i te reo pākehā:
Safe speeds enable more kids to get around safely in ways that are good for their health and the environment. Plus, there’s reduced risk to tamariki and whānau of being killed or seriously injured on the way to and from school.
Safe speeds around schools lesson plans bring these ideas to your classroom.