Ngā rauemi reo Māori – resources in te reo Māori to support road safety education for kura and whānau around Aotearoa.
Ngā Tau 1-10. E wātea ana ki ngā kaiako mō ngā whakaakoranga poto e pā ana ki te haumaru huarahi.
Years 1-10. Teachers can use these worksheets for short lessons about road safety.
Kei te katoa te kawenga kia noho haumaru te whānau i runga i tētahi haerenga. Wāhanga akoranga: Te Reo Māori; Pāngarau – Āhuatanga; Pūtaiao – O Ahupūngao; Hangarau; Tikanga-ā-Iwi; Ngā Toi – Te Mahi-ā-Rēhia; me te Hauora – Waiora. (Taumata 1 ki te 4).
Keeping whānau safe on a journey is everyone’s work. Curriculum resource across several learning areas.
He mahere akoranga pūtake-marau i whakawhanaketia ai hei tautoko i ngā wheako ako ki ngā wāhanga whakangungu pūkenga pahikara a BikeReady.
Curriculum-based lesson plans developed to support learning experiences in the BikeReady cycle skills training sessions.
Ka mārama: Ā mātou whanonga hāereere. Mōhio: Te tere me te haumaru. Mahi: Te hāereere huri noa i tō tātou kura.
Safe speeds around schools. Understand: Our travel behaviours. Know: Speed and safety. Do: Travelling around our school.
Posters about road safety in te reo Māori.
He mana tō te Katua Kura i ngā kura puta noa.
Here is the School patrol pedestrian crossing training video spoken in te reo Māori.
Plus a file with school patrol commands in te reo Māori.
Anei ētahi pūkenga whaihua mō te eke pahikara i ngā tāone.
This poster takes you through some useful skills for riding your bike in towns and cities.
Ngā haerenga haumaru ake mā te tamaiti kura: he aratohu mā te whānau me te kaitiaki.
A family and caregivers’ guide to safer travel for school children.
Akonga in kura kaupapa Māori and rumaki reo created their own story books about road safety.