Year 1-8 resource including English, Mathematics and Science for learning about safe road use and citizenship.
Updated 2022
Think of the road as a “commons”. It's a shared place where everyone can understand the rules and expectations. And everyone can contribute towards a system that supports all citizens having safer choices and safer behaviours.
All files revised in late 2022 with updated website links and a new easy-to-read layout.
Primary and intermediate school students can act as citizens, by:
This resource was created by Pam Hook.
“Students need a context where they have a voice and feel like they belong, matter and can make a difference. These road safety education resources are designed to enable students’ agency as active citizens so that they contribute to a safe road network." Pam Hook
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Everything as Word docs [ZIP, 5.2 MB]Everything as PDF [ZIP, 3.4 MB]
Below is an overview of the resource, including introductory activity, curriculum plan, learning intentions and key competencies self-assessment rubrics.
Also below is a collection of five sample activities. These activities offer an opportunity to introduce students to the “wicked transport problems” that face road users on local roads.
Everyone is a road user introduction [DOCX, 1.2 MB]
Everyone is a road user sample activities [DOCX, 1013 KB]
Students can compare local roads and road users, using poetry or visual texts. They can write to an author or poet about safer choices and behaviours for road users. They can create a visual text for road engineers, architects and builders about a bike shed or a futuristic liveable street.
Everyone is a road user English [DOCX, 547 KB]
Students can survey road users to find out what people think about a local road, then classify and analyse the answers. They can also calculate how much land area is taken up by carparking and investigate what hazards carparks may introduce.
Everyone is a road user mathematics and statistics [DOCX, 607 KB]
Activities allow students to explore peripheral vision. Students learn about light and human senses to understand what road users see. They can measure how much time it takes to react to a stimulus. Also: students investigate unbalanced forces on local roads.
Everyone is a road user science [DOCX, 379 KB]
Assessment rubric templates, a full reading list, a list of all supporting websites and online tools, plus a PDF map of possible wicked transport problems for students to investigate.
Everyone is a road user Appendices [DOCX, 541 KB]
Everyone is a road user Internet links [DOCX, 1004 KB]
Everyone is a road user full list of activities [DOCX, 186 KB]
Wicked problems map [PDF, 211 KB]