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Videos: teacher talk

Watch interviews with teachers and educators who give insights into effective teaching and learning in New Zealand schools.

Importance of context: Teacher Sarah Howell talks about how choosing a context relevant to the lives of students is an important way to deepen engagement and learning. She has published mathematics and statistics curriculum resources.

Design thinking: Teacher Hayden Shaw is the author of secondary Health and PE resources. He talks about design thinking as a process to support student learning.

Curriculum integration: Teacher Catherine Hunter talks about how she works with middle years students to undertake cross-curricular learning with safe road use as a context. Also read Year 7 class puts science learning into motion.

Beyond the behaviour change model: How a richer view of young people’s culture and lives can help with education planning. Associate Professor Lise Claiborne, Faculty of Education, University of Waikato.

Student agency: Hayden Shaw talks about how students can be supported to take social action on issues important to them.

Behaviour and identity: Educator Maria Kecskemeti explains why the ways people act on our roads may reflect the identities they want for themselves or feel pressured to adopt. Also read How teachers can help young people question behaviour and identity.

Literacy learning tool: Pathways Awarua puts literacy into contexts such as safe driving. Module developer Emily Harrop-Smith explains how schools are using it.

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